Kathryn Gabinet-Kroo began her career as an artist studying life drawing and black and white photography at the Boston Museum School. A painter for over thirty-five years and a former instructor at the Saidye Bronfman School of Fine Arts, the artist has had her studio in the neighborhood of St. Henri since 1989.
“Preserving the moment, forming a memory but without the nostalgia, without that wistful desire to return to a former time in one’s life, that sentimental yearning for lost happiness. In painting these images, I am recreating or returning to the happiness of a certain time and place, expressing my appreciation for the earth’s beauty, which I find in the simplest things ‒ a flower, a face, a branch, a fish underwater ‒ and showing the world what and how I see.”
While some of her works incorporate the use of gouache, pastel, and oil stick, most of the images are created using the classical technique of layering a series of oil glazes over an oil underpainting to produce the glowing colors of her painted surfaces. Most recently, the artist has added a series of monoprints to her body of work, examples of which can be found in collections around the world including North America, China, Switzerland and Singapore.
M.A. Translation Studies, Concordia University, Montreal
Certificate in Translation, McGill University, Montreal
Boston School of the Museum of Fine Arts
B.A. English, Cornell University, Ithaca (NY)
1995 -2006: Instructor, Department of Drawing and Painting,
Saidye Bronfman Centre School of Fine Arts
1995 – present: Free-lance translator
RAAV (Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels)
QWF (Quebec Writers Federation)
OTTIAQ (Ordre des traducteurs, terminologues et interprètes agréés du Québec)
LTAC (Literary Translators’ Association of Canada)